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AHussain, Councillor Amo Hussain
Akhtar, Councillor Naeem Akhtar
Akhtar, Councillor Pervez Akhtar
Alden, Councillor Robert Alden
Andrew, Councillor Adrian Andrew
Archer, Councillor Keith Archer
Ashley, Councillor Karen Ashley
Axcell, Mark Axcell
Baker, Councillor Joe Baker
Bardsley, Councillor Nicholas Bardsley
Bardsley, Councillor Nick Bardsley
Barron, Lee Barron
Bateman, Councillor Philip Bateman MBE
Baxter-Payne, Councillor Richard Baxter-Payne
Baxter-Payne, Councillor Richard Baxter-Payne
Bayton, Councillor Cathy Bayton
Beider, Harris Beider
Bell, Councillor Margaret Bell
Bevan, Councillor Ian Bevan
Bhalla, Anita Bhalla
Birch, Joanne Birch
Bird, Councillor Mike Bird
Borley, Councillor Dave Borley
Brackenridge, Councillor Greg Brackenridge
Bradley, Councillor Paul Bradley
Brown, Paul Brown
Burden, Councillor Christopher Burden
Burrow, Councillor Andrew Burrow
Butlin, Councillor Peter Butlin
Caan, Councillor Kamran Caan
Carmichael, Councillor Kerrie Carmichael
Carter, Councillor Lee Carter
Choudhry, Councillor Aqeela Choudhry
Choudhry, Councillor Zaker Choudhry
Clark, Councillor Steve Clark
Clements, Councillor Liz Clements
Clinton, Councillor Rob Clinton
Collingswood, Councillor Craig Collingswood
Cotton, Councillor John Cotton
Council, Councillor Edward Fitter
Courts, Councillor Ian Courts
Craddock, Councillor Stephen Craddock
Crane, Corin Crane
Davies, Councillor Shaun Davies
Davison, Councillor Ian Davison
Dean, Councillor Carol Dean
Dicico, Councillor Tony Dicicco
Donaldson, Councillor Diane Donaldson
Dormer, Councillor Matthew Dormer
Driffield, Nigel Driffield
Duggal, Dr Allison Duggal
Duggins, Councillor George Duggins
Evans, Councillor Steve Evans
Fenton, Councillor Ellen Fenton
Flint, Councillor Gary Flint
Foster, Simon Foster
Francis, Councillor Jayne Francis
Gethen, Councillor Samantha Gethen
Grady, David Grady
Grinsell, Councillor Karen Grinsell
Gutteridge, Councillor Julian Gutteridge
Harley, Councillor Patrick Harley
Hartwell, Councillor Suzanne Hartwell
Hawkins, Councillor Ken Hawkins
Hemingway, Councillor Jennifer Hemingway
Hughes, Councillor Peter Hughes
Huxtable, Councillor Timothy Huxtable
Hyatt, Councillor Carol Hyatt
Jardine, Vanessa Jardine
Jaspal, Councillor Jasbir Jaspal
Jaspal, Councillor Jaspreet Jaspal
Johns, Philip Johns
Johnson, Councillor Tony Johnson
Johnston, Rob Johnston
Johnston, Councillor Thomas Johnston
Jones, Councillor Brigid Jones
Juned, Councillor Susan Juned
Kane, Councillor Joanna Kane
Kaye, Councillor Leslie Kaye
Kettle, Councillor Ian Kettle
Khan, Councillor Abdul Khan
Kooner, Councillor Narinder Kaur Kooner OBE
Lakha, Councillor Ram Lakha OBE
Little, Councillor Wayne Little
Lloyd, Councillor Gavin Lloyd
Locke, Councillor Mary Locke
Lumby, Councillor Nigel Lumby
Mackey, Councillor Ewan Mackey
Mackiewicz, Councillor Andy Mackiewicz
Mahmood, Councillor Majid Mahmood
Mahmood, Councillor Majid Mahmood
Marshall, Councillor Emma Marshall
Martin, Councillor Rose Martin
Marwick, Sarah Marwick
Mba, David Mba
McCarthy, Councillor Karen McCarthy
McCarthy, Councillor Martin McCarthy
McGarrity, Councillor Barbara McGarrity
McNicholas, Councillor John McNicholas
Melbourne, David Melbourne
Melia, Councillor Steve Melia
Member, Test Member
Miah, Councillor Saddak Miah
Miks, Councillor Catherine Miks
Millard, Councillor Danny Millard
Moore, Councillor Paul Moore
Moran, Councillor Michael Moran
Munro, Councillor David Munro
Murphy, Councillor Kerry Murphy
Nellins, Councillor Ian Nellins
Noon, Paul Noon
O'Boyle, Councillor Jim O'Boyle
O'Nyons, Councillor Josh O'Nyons
Overton, Councillor Richard Overton
Parker, Richard Parker
Perry, Councillor Garry Perry
Picton, Councillor Lezley Picton
Pillai, Professor Prashant Pillai
Piper, Councillor Bob Piper
Pitman, Jo Pitman
Poole, Councillor Derek Poole
Preece, Councillor John Preece
Preece, Councillor Liam Preece
Prestwood, Councillor Jacquie Prestwood
Rainbow, Councillor Lauren Rainbow
Rhodes, Matthew Rhodes
Rollins, Councillor Laura Rollins
Russell, Sean Russell
Schofield, Councillor Chris Schofield
Seccombe, Councillor Izzi Seccombe
Shergill, Councillor Rinkal Shergill
Simkins, Councillor Stephen Simkins
Singh, Councillor Harbinder Singh
Sleigh, Councillor Bob Sleigh
Smith, Mark Smith
Smith, Councillor Richard Smith
Sohal, Councillor Gurmeet Singh Sohal
Stalley-Green, Lisa Stalley-Green
Stanley, Councillor David Stanley
Statham, Councillor Mark Statham
Subic, Aleks Subic
Summers, Sue Summers
Taylor, Councillor Alan Taylor
Taylor, Gary Taylor
Tennant, Councillor Jamie Tennant
Thompson, Councillor Sharon Thompson
Thornley, Councillor Steve Thornley
Tomlinson, Amanda Tomlinson
Tromans, Councillor Robert Tromans
Tucker, Councillor Antony Tucker
Turner, Councillor Paul Turner
Varney, Dr Justin Varney
Wade, Professor Mike Wade
Ward, Councillor Ian Ward
Ward, Suzanne Ward
Warwick, Councillor Adrian Warwick
Waters, Councillor Vera Waters
Watkins, Councillor Chris Watkins
Watson, Councillor Martin Watson
Welsh, Councillor David Welsh
Wilkes, Councillor David Wilkes
Wilson, Councillor Kristofer Wilson
Wilson, Pete Wilson
Windrum, Sarah Windrum
Woodall, Councillor Ian Woodall
Wright, Councillor David Wright
Wright, Councillor David A Wright
Wright, Councillor David A Wright
Wright, Mike Wright
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period