
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the combined authority's decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on decisions that have been delegated to WMCA officers to take.

Decisions published

09/02/2024 - Apologies for Absence ref: 1640    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: WMCA Board

Made at meeting: 09/02/2024 - WMCA Board

Decision published: 13/02/2024

Effective from: 09/02/2024


Lee Barron (Midlands TUC), Councillor Shaun Davies (Telford & Wrekin), Councillor Susan Juned (Stratford-on-Avon), Councillor Abdul Khan (Coventry) and Councillor Derek Poole (Rugby).

09/02/2024 - Minutes - 12 January 2024 ref: 1642    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: WMCA Board

Made at meeting: 09/02/2024 - WMCA Board

Decision published: 13/02/2024

Effective from: 09/02/2024


Agreed as a correct record.

09/02/2024 - Race Equality Week - Update from Race Equalities Taskforce ref: 1645    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: WMCA Board

Made at meeting: 09/02/2024 - WMCA Board

Decision published: 13/02/2024

Effective from: 09/02/2024


An update from Sharonjit Clare, Chair of the Race Equalities Taskforce was noted.

09/02/2024 - Regional Activity & Delivery Update ref: 1644    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: WMCA Board

Made at meeting: 09/02/2024 - WMCA Board

Decision published: 13/02/2024

Effective from: 09/02/2024


A presentation on recent activity of the WMCA and regional trends across the West Midlands was noted.

09/02/2024 - Forward Plan ref: 1643    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: WMCA Board

Made at meeting: 09/02/2024 - WMCA Board

Decision published: 13/02/2024

Effective from: 09/02/2024



09/02/2024 - Audit, Risk & Assurance Committee - 29 January 2024 ref: 1657    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: WMCA Board

Made at meeting: 09/02/2024 - WMCA Board

Decision published: 13/02/2024

Effective from: 09/02/2024


The minutes were noted.

09/02/2024 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee - 29 January 2024 ref: 1656    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: WMCA Board

Made at meeting: 09/02/2024 - WMCA Board

Decision published: 13/02/2024

Effective from: 09/02/2024


The minutes were noted.

09/02/2024 - Economic Growth Board - 25 January 2024 ref: 1655    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: WMCA Board

Made at meeting: 09/02/2024 - WMCA Board

Decision published: 13/02/2024

Effective from: 09/02/2024


The minutes were noted.

09/02/2024 - Transport Delivery Overview & Scrutiny Committee - 22 January 2024 ref: 1654    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: WMCA Board

Made at meeting: 09/02/2024 - WMCA Board

Decision published: 13/02/2024

Effective from: 09/02/2024


The minutes were noted.

09/02/2024 - Housing & Land Delivery Board - 17 January 2024 ref: 1653    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: WMCA Board

Made at meeting: 09/02/2024 - WMCA Board

Decision published: 13/02/2024

Effective from: 09/02/2024


The minutes were noted.

09/02/2024 - Chair's Remarks ref: 1641    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: WMCA Board

Made at meeting: 09/02/2024 - WMCA Board

Decision published: 13/02/2024

Effective from: 09/02/2024


(a)      Wayne Brown - Chief Fire Officer, West Midlands Fire Service

The Mayor and members paid tribute to Wayne Brown, who had recently died. The board observed a minute’s silence in his memory.


(b)      Transfer of Police & Crime Commissioner Powers

The Mayor reported that the Home Secretary had written to him to indicate that he was now satisfied to transfer the functions of the PCC to be exercised by the Mayor following the May elections. The Mayor had replied giving his consent, as required by the Levelling Up & Regeneration Act 2023. An Order would now be laid in Parliament to enable the transfer to take place.

09/02/2024 - WMCA Budget 2024/25 ref: 1647    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

To present the proposed 2024/25 budget for approval

Decision Maker: WMCA Board

Made at meeting: 09/02/2024 - WMCA Board

Decision published: 13/02/2024

Effective from: 09/02/2024


(1)      A cash flat transport levy for 2024/25 of £119.4m was approved.


(2)      The budget requirement for transport delivery 2024/25, totalling £198.3m and comprising three elements was approved:


(i)       £119.4m to be funded from the existing transport levy mechanism;


(ii)       use of £73.9m of grant income, including £28.4m of Network Stabilisation Grant;


(iii)      use of windfall gains from treasury management of £5.0m.


(3)      The budget requirement for portfolio delivery in 2024/25 of £262.0m comprising of six elements was approved:


(i)       £142.0m adult education (including Free Courses for Jobs) spending to be funded from adult education budget funding devolved by the Department for Education;


(ii)       £104.4m to be funded from other grants;


(iii)      £2.3m to be funded from other income, notably investments;


(iv)      £4.6m to be funded from constituent authority fees (fees to remain at the same level as 2023/24);


(v)      £0.4m to be funded from non-constituent authority and observer fees (fees to remain at the same level as 2023/24);


(vi)      use of £8.3m business rates retention income.


(4)      The Mayoral Office budget for 2024/25 of £7.0m, of which £0.9m to be funded from additional Mayoral Capacity Funding and a further £6.1m to be funded from reserves, was approved.


(5)      It was noted that there would be no mayoral precept during 2024/25.


(6)      The first year (2024/25) of the indicative WMCA capital programme, totalling £706.8m, noting the indicative onward programme thereafter, was approved.


(7)      The planned spend on the Investment Programme over the period was noted.


(8)      The advice of the Director of Finance & Business Hub in relation to the robustness of the budget and the adequacy of reserves was noted.


(9)      The WMCA’s ongoing commitment to work with the Mayor and Leaders during 2024 to discuss a sustainable funding solution for transport which would meet the scale of ambition for the network was noted.


(10)    Authority was delegated to the Director of Finance & Business Hub, in consultation with the Portfolio Lead for Finance, to make any final changes that might result from the final Local Government Finance Settlement.


(11)    Authority was delegated to Executive Directors to progress expenditure within the budget that was in furtherance of WMCA Board-approved local policy.


(12)    The following policies and strategies, which contained items as required by statute, were approved:


(a)      Treasury Management Policy Statement;


(b)      Treasury Management Strategy, including the 2024/25 Investment Strategy and criteria for specified and non-specified investments;


(c)      Capital Strategy and Minimum Revenue Provision Statement; and


(d)      Pay Policy Statement.

Lead officer: Beverly Sullivan, Sally Truman

09/02/2024 - State of the Region ref: 1646    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

State of the Region for the West Midlands in 2024

Decision Maker: WMCA Board

Made at meeting: 09/02/2024 - WMCA Board

Decision published: 13/02/2024

Effective from: 09/02/2024


(1)      The issues and recommendations arising from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee’s consideration of the report was noted.


(2)      The key messages and recommendations set out within the report was noted.


(3)      It was noted that the report would form part of the evidence base for the region’s economic development work as part of the regular review of the economic conditions in the West Midlands and forthcoming West Midlands Futures work programme.

12/02/2024 - Land and Property Investment Fund (LPIF) ref: 1637    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Investment Board

Made at meeting: 12/02/2024 - Investment Board

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024

12/02/2024 - Exclusion of the Public and Press ref: 1627    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Investment Board

Made at meeting: 12/02/2024 - Investment Board

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024


That in accordance with Section 100A4 of the Local Government Act 1972, the press And public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information relating to the business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

12/02/2024 - Stratford Gateway Collaboration Agreement ref: 1628    Recommendations Approved

Paper seeking approval for Heads of Terms of a Collaboration Agreement between WMCA and Stratford District Council, in relation to the potential acquisition of landholdings in Stratford town centre.

Decision Maker: Investment Board

Made at meeting: 12/02/2024 - Investment Board

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024

Lead officer: Anna Jones

12/02/2024 - Pipe Hall, Bilston - Update Position ref: 1633    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Investment Board

Made at meeting: 12/02/2024 - Investment Board

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024

12/02/2024 - Stone Yard ref: 1632    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Investment Board

Made at meeting: 12/02/2024 - Investment Board

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024

12/02/2024 - Thrive into Work Individual Placement and Support in Primary Care - Change Request ref: 1626    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Investment Board

Made at meeting: 12/02/2024 - Investment Board

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024


1.    The Change Request (attached as appendix 1to the report) to support the ongoing delivery of the Department for Work and Pensions grant funded delivery phase of Individual Placement Support Primary Care Services (April 2023- March 2025 of £7,936,620 be approved and

2.    The information within the Change Request setting out the programme financial deliverables, commissioning activity and governance arrangements be noted.


12/02/2024 - WMCA Residential Investment Fund (RIF) - Dashboard ref: 1636    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Investment Board

Made at meeting: 12/02/2024 - Investment Board

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024

12/02/2024 - WMCA Brownfield Land and Property Development Fund (BLPDF) - Dashboard ref: 1635    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Investment Board

Made at meeting: 12/02/2024 - Investment Board

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024

12/02/2024 - WMCA Commercial Investment Fund (CIF) - Dashboard ref: 1634    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Investment Board

Made at meeting: 12/02/2024 - Investment Board

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024

12/02/2024 - WMCA Residential Investment Fund (RIF) - Dashboard ref: 1625    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Investment Board

Made at meeting: 12/02/2024 - Investment Board

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024



12/02/2024 - WMCA Brownfield Land and Property Development Fund (BLPDF) - Dashboard ref: 1624    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Investment Board

Made at meeting: 12/02/2024 - Investment Board

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024



12/02/2024 - WMCA Commercial Investment Fund (CIF) - Dashboard ref: 1623    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Investment Board

Made at meeting: 12/02/2024 - Investment Board

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024



12/02/2024 - Minutes - 15 January 2024 ref: 1622    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Investment Board

Made at meeting: 12/02/2024 - Investment Board

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024




12/02/2024 - Abberley Street Disposal ref: 1630    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Investment Board

Made at meeting: 12/02/2024 - Investment Board

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024

12/02/2024 - Horton 45, Telford TF7FA/Hortonwood 45 Ltd/ Telford & Wrekin ref: 1629    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Investment Board

Made at meeting: 12/02/2024 - Investment Board

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024

07/02/2024 - The West Midlands Combined Authority (Transfer of Police and Crime Commissioner Functions) Order 2024 ref: 1639    Recommendations Approved

To provide consent to the transfer of PCC functions to the Mayor of the West Midlands and to enable the Mayor to exercise functions of a police and crime commissioner in relation to the Combined Authority area following the elections in May 2024.

Decision Maker: Mayor of the West Midlands

Decision published: 07/02/2024

Effective from: 07/02/2024

Lead officer: Julia Cleary, Helen Edwards, Kieran Stockley

31/01/2024 - Contract for Temporary Agency Staff ref: 1621    Recommendations Approved

Decision to award contract for temporary agency staff

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Finance & Business Hub

Decision published: 31/01/2024

Effective from: 31/01/2024




a.    That the contract for temporary agency staffing we awarded as a direct award to Hays Specialist Recruitment Limited.


b.    That the contract duration be from 1 January 2024 with a commencement date of 2 March 2024.


Lead officer: Julia Cleary