Issue - decisions

15/01/2021 - WMCA Draft Budget 2021/22

(1)      The consolidated revenue budget monitoring position as at 30 November 2020 was noted.


(2)      The draft WMCA consolidated revenue budget was approved for consultation, which included:


(a)      the budget requirement for transport delivery 2021/22 comprising three elements:


(i)       £114.7m a year to be funded from the existing transport levy mechanism;


(ii)       £3.9m to be funded from grant awarded by the Commonwealth Games Organising Committee; and


(iii)      a transfer from earmarked reserves of £3.9m.


(b)      the WMCA Delivery budget requirement for 2021/22 of £141.9m comprising of five elements:


(i)       £129.7m Adult Education spending to be funded from Adult Education Budget funding devolved by the Department for Education.


(ii)       £5.1m to be funded from other devolution deal grants.


(iii)      £4.6m to be funded from Constituent Authority fees (fees to remain at the same level as 2020/21).


(iv)      £0.4m to be funded from Non-Constituent Authority and observer fees (fees to remain at the same level as 2020/21).


(v)      £2.1m to be funded from other income, including a £1.2m use of reserves created from WMCA’s share of 2020/21 Business Rates.


(3)      The inherent risks included within 2021/22 Budget assumptions were noted.


(4)      The Mayoral Office budget for 2021/22 of £0.8m, to be funded from additional Mayoral capacity funding of £0.8m, was approved for consultation and scrutiny.


(5)      It was noted that there would be no mayoral precept during 2021/22.


(6)      The WMCA’s indicative 5 year Medium Term Financial Plan was noted.


(7)      It was noted that a full Strategic Plan would be completed following the 2021 Mayoral election, to inform the annual Medium Term Financial Planning exercise to be completed in 2021/22.


(8)      The draft Capital Programme was approved.


(9)      The planned spend on the Investment Programme over the year period was noted.


(10)    The matters identified by Overview & Scrutiny Committee that arose out of the Mayoral Q&A on 11 December 2020 were noted.