Issue - decisions

10/01/2020 - Chair's Remarks

(i)            TfWM awarded City Region Transport Authority of the Year 2019

The Chair reported that she was pleased to announce that TfWM

had been awarded City Region Transport Authority of the Year for the third time in five years at the National Transport Awards last week. The committee conveyed their congratulations to TfWM for this fantastic achievement.


(ii)          Outcome of West Midlands Trains (WMT) Strike Ballot

The Chair referred to the email that had been circulated to members informing them of the decision by RMT members of WMT to commence strike action later this month and reported that the committee would receive a briefing on the matter from the Executive Director, West Midlands Rail Executive, Malcolm Holmes, following today’s meeting.


(iii)         Christmas and New Year Travel arrangements

The Chair reported that the committee would receive details of the transport services operating during the Christmas and New Year holiday period as soon as the information becomes available.


(iv)         TfWM Transport Budget

It was agreed that a special TfWM Transport Budget briefing would be held on 16 December 2019 from 11.30am-12.30pm to provide members with the opportunity to put forward their views on the draft TfWM Transport Budget prior to consideration and approval of the budget by the WMCA Board. An email would be sent to committee members to confirm the arrangements for the private briefing on 16 December.


Councillor Lawrence reported of need to begin budget discussions earlier in the budget planning process in future and to look beyond a one-year budget to consider a medium-term budget for transport.


The Director of Finance, Linda Horne, agreed to take forward Councillor Lawrence’s comments.