Agenda item

Presented By:Dr Fiona Aldridge


The board considered a report of the Executive Director, Economic Delivery, Skills and Communities that provided an overview of the labour market challenges facing the 7 Met area and outlined a proposed approach on how value can be added to existing local activity and how joint working might address the challenges.


Dr Fiona Aldridge, Head of Intelligence and Insight, outlined the report and reported on the proposed establishment of a Jobs Taskforce that would be comprised of key regional stakeholders working collaboratively to develop and implement an actionable roadmap to address both immediate and long-term market challenges. It was noted that this the Jobs Taskforce would be time limited for a period of 9 months and it is anticipated this would facilitate more effective partnership working beyond this.


The Chair confirmed that the Economic Growth Board would become the Jobs Taskforce and set up the work plan.


Councillor Courts enquired why the taskforce was being established for 9 months as he considered this to be a long period of time noting the challenges that were impacting upon the labour market were known. He also reported of the need to address youth unemployment as a priority in all areas and not just Wolverhampton.


The Head of Intelligence and Insight advised there was a need to understand the data and the taskforce would bring in experts to provide fresh insight into the issues.


The Executive Director, Economic Delivery, Skills and Communities, Dr Julie Nugent added that there was a need to understand what was working/not working and why people were not taking up training opportunities so action-based research could be undertaken to better connect people with jobs.


Corin Crane (Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce) reported on the need to focus on identifying an innovative solution for getting the over fifties back into employment and to also look at excessive childcare costs.


Councillor Ward noted that more money was being spent in this area, but he could not see how it was demonstrating an impact. He added that many working people were in low paid jobs and were reliant on benefits and food banks to supplement their income.


Councillor Andrew reported that Walsall’s work programme has been effective in tackling youth unemployment and also reported of the need to look at how different organisations are utilising the apprenticeship levy.


The Chair acknowledged there was a need to look at best practice.


Councillor Stanley reported that he would be interesting in obtaining a breakdown of figures from colleges on where people had found work.


The Director of Employment and Skills, Clare Hatton reported that the WMCA was working with colleges to monitor young people into employment and training and advised of the good outcomes that have been seen in Dudley and Wolverhampton.


It be recommended to the WMCA Board that:


1.    The labour market challenges facing the West Midlands 7 Met area be noted and

2.    The proposed approach in developing a deeper understanding of these challenges including for particular places and group of residents and identifying effective approaches to tackling them be agreed.








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