Agenda item


Gareth Bradford updated the Board in relation to on-going discussions with H M Government to secure investment by way of a Housing Deal. He assured the Board that it was not intended to surpass the target of 215,000 additional housing units by 2031. He reported that the whole housing market was being reviewed in terms of remediation requirements and types of construction. A diverse number of delivery options were being explored including:

·         Delivery with both public and private sectors;

·         Intervention measures;

·         New delivery measures and building on those already in existence;

·         Challenges to developers on quality and to complete developments;

·         Joint Delivery Team with Homes England.


He advised that the intention was to establish a long term relationship and investment programme with H M Government and associated Agencies. Ideally, a single housing fund would be established to accelerate supply of housing units. Compulsory Purchase Order powers would be used where appropriate and support would be provided on skills and employment provision / training. The proposals would include partnership working with Homes England. The Chair commented that negotiations with H M Government were on-going but it was hoped that an agreed process for the long term could be achieved.


Councillor Peter Butlin referred to the position with the provision of affordable housing in the Rugby Borough Council area where a number of viability issues, varying from site to site, precluded the requisite proportion of affordable housing units being provided. He opined that if H M Government was willing to fund the costs of remediation of those sites higher levels of affordable housing could be delivered. The Chair reminded the Board of the availability of funding through the Brownfield Land and Property Remediation Fund but acknowledged that this did not provide a solution to all problems. Councillor Ian Courts counselled caution with regard to subsidising land owners and also reminded the Board that the type f affordable housing units provided was as important as the number of units.


Gareth Bradford commented on the need for the WMCA to build up its level of expertise without replicating that which already existed in partner authorities. He advised on the need for a different approach to be adopted to that offered by a Joint Venture Partnership as there was a need for a long term view. The Chair opined on the need to protect the local authorities and reminded the Board of the award of £6 million to establish a ‘Delivery Team’ as part of the Devolution Deal 2 settlement.


Councillor Peter Bilson commented on the need for affordable housing for rent and on the need for the borrowing cap on the Housing Revenue Account to be lifted. The Chair advised that further parts of the plan would evolve during the on-going discussions including those taking place with Housing Associations. Gareth Bradford reported that lifting the borrowing cap had not formed part of the discussions with H M Government as it was understood that this was under consideration. He stressed the need to convince H M Government that the West Midlands region could deliver on its aspirations.


1.    That the report be received and noted;

2.    That the Chair be granted delegated authority to progress negotiations with H M Government in relation to the Housing Deal.