Venue: Room 116, 16 Summer Lane, Birmingham, B19 3SD
Contact: Janna Simpson, Governance Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Presented By: Chair Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Amo Hussian, Councillor Barabara McGarrity and Councillor Aqeela Choundry. |
Declarations of Interest Members are reminded of the need to declare any disclosable prejudicial interests they have in any item being discussed during the course of the meeting. In addition, the receipt of any gift or hospitality should be declared where the value of it was thought to have exceeded £25 (gifts) or £40 (hospitality). Presented By: Chair Minutes: No delcarations were received. |
Chair's Remarks Presented By: Chair Minutes: The Chair reminded members of their obligations to the committee encouraging attendance and stressed the importance of being quorate. |
Petition Received by the Committee Minutes: Councillor John Blundell of Coventry City Council presented a petition to the committee. He requested that the Council to work with Transport for West Midlands and National Express to keep the No. 19 Tile Hill to Coventry via Cannon Park Shopping Centre Bus Service. He stated that the service provides a vital means of transport for a large number of residents who rely on this service of which a significant number are elderly and have no other means of transport.
The petition was accepted by the Director of Integrated Transport Services to be assessed by Transport for West Midlands.
11 December and 14 December 2023 (including action log) Presented By: Chair Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes from the meeting were ratified on the proviso that the following changes to note Robert Tromans' attendance and a discourse around the Sutton Park line and the Midlands Rail Hub. |
Presented By: Chair Minutes: The Response from the Portfolio Lead Member for Transport to the observations presented to the WMCA Board on 17 November 2023 in regards to the Question Time on Policy & Delivery was noted. |
The Role of Green Infrastructure in Urban Design for Air Quality and Climate Resilience PDF 132 KB Presented By: Jake Thrush Additional documents: Minutes: Emma Ferranti from the University of Birmingham delivered a presentation on the role of green infrastructure in urban design for air quality and climate resilience. It detailed how green infrastructure in urban design can reduce exposure to poor air quality and support climate resilience. Councillors engaged in a discussion prompted by a presentation. Councillor Ian Ward advocated for the practical implementation of findings within the Local Transport Plan (LTP). Councillor Martin McCarthy raised concerns about flooding in Shrewsbury and the resilience of stations, leading to a commitment from the Rail MEG to conduct an investigation and report back to the committee.
Councillor Timothy Huxtable drew attention to pavement placement and its implications for cyclists in the LTP. He also inquired about integrating green infrastructure into development bids, highlighting the crucial link between environmental considerations and infrastructure planning. The response indicated a broader strategy led by Jackie Homan at WMCA, aiming to incorporate study results into ongoing projects and the forthcoming Park and Ride meeting was highlighted to include a comprehensive presentation on green infrastructure, showcasing the commitment to integrating environmental considerations into future planning efforts.
Councillor Robert Tromans commended efforts to adapt recent plans, emphasising the forward-thinking approach to urban development. Councillor Emma Marshall emphasised the role of trees in temperature control. Jake Thrush and Emma Ferranti confirmed the presence of an expert team, along with published policies and local tree experts who could contribute to discussions.
Councillor Carol Hyatt underscored the influential role of the report in shaping policy, particularly in reevaluating the placement of bus stops to prevent trapping people roadside. Councillor Robert Alden emphasized the importance of considering maintenance schedules for sustained benefits, while Councillor Pevez Akhtar drew attention to the perennial challenge of funding for environmental initiatives.
(1) The committee Welcomed a presentation by WM-Air, University of Birmingham.
(2) It was recommended that TfWM officers developing West Midlands Local Transport Plan
(i) Incorporate, in relevant sections of the Plan the “reduce, extend, protect” principle, to support the role of green infrastructure in urban transport design for air quality.
(ii) Review the draft “Green Transport Revolution” Big Move Chapter to ensure it effectively encompasses the role of green infrastructure in supporting climate resilience in the West Midlands.
Presented By: David Harris Minutes: David Harris provided the committee with an up on West Midlands Local Transport Plan – Area Strategies and Implementation Plan development. He gave the committee a summary of the consultation on the Big Moves earlier in 2023 and the 4 Area Strategies. He continued by providing the committee with an an updated timeline for finalisation and adoption of the new LTP in 2024.
Councillor Timothy sought clarification on the impact of the cancellation of HS2 north of Birmingham, and Councillor Pevez Akhtar drew attention to the groups disadvantaged by current offerings. The Transport for West Midlands team highlighted a commitment to effective consultation and engagement with communities using all methods available to them. transcending conventional reporting mechanisms.
(1) The progress to date on developing the West Midlands Local Transport Plan and next steps and timelines for finalisation and adoption be noted.
(2) The response to and key messages from the LTP Big Moves engagement which took place in 2023 be noted
(3) The committee provided views on the proposed approach and next steps for finalising the initial Area Strategies and developing the emerging pipeline of proposals for CRSTS 2.
(4) it was noted that the committee were to receive further report on the LTP before going to WMCA Board at the end of the year.
Ring and Ride Target Operating Model PDF 184 KB Presented By: Steve Hayes Minutes: The committee considered a report of the Head of Network Transformation on the Ring & Ride target operating model. The report set out the drivers of change, along with the emerging future target operating model for the region’s Ring & Ride service, seeking endorsement of the proposed approach.
In response to question from the committee, the Head of Network Transformation confirmed that although depots would be centralised, cross-border travel would not be negatively affected.
Councillor Ian Ward emphasised that the review should consider providing fair access and addressing transport barriers. Councillor Carol Hyatt recognised the capacity constraints of the service, with the limiting factors being the number of buses and drivers rather than the potential number of passengers. Councillor Pervez Akhtar inquired about funding possibilities from Network North, and a discussion was held around the allocation of funding for the review and the need for additional data.
The committee suggested that the criteria be reviewed and the possibilities for subsidising service use for community diagnostics, with the possibility of revisiting these matters at a future meeting.
(1) The ongoing work to transform delivery of the Region’s Ring & Ride service be noted
(2) The criteria underpinning the proposed Target Operating Model, for implementation from January 2025 be endorsed.
(3) The committee provided views on the Ring & Ride service that could be considered as part of the review requested by the Mayor and WMCA Portfolio Leaders.
Capital Delivery Programme: Update Capital Performance Report PDF 367 KB Presented By: Jenni MacKenzie Minutes: The Capital Delivery Programme's update and performance report was presented by Jenni Mackenzie. She reported on progress on key capital delivery schemes progressing in TfWM and shared the new reporting format for Capital.
Councillor Timothy Huxtable received clarifications on Hagley Road, the Cross City Line, and Cross City Bus and Mosely Village. Councillor Pervez requested changed to the report in order for members and the public to be able to understand it.
(1) The update and progress on key capital delivery schemes progressing in TfWM be noted.
(2) The proposal to iterate the reporting on the capital delivery portfolio through the 24/25 calendar year and will include local authority promoted transport schemes funded via WMCA resources be noted
3) The intention to iterate into a new reporting format for Capital and progressively mature it over the course of the 24/25 calendar year and request feedback from the members be noted.
Member Engagement Groups – Progress Report PDF 172 KB Presented By: Chair Minutes: Councillor Carol Hyatt, Councillor Ian Ward, Councillor David Stanley, Councillor Timothy Huxtable and Councillor Pervez Akhtar provided updated from their Member Engagement Groups.
(1) The report was considered and noted. no matters discussed were at the recent Member Engagement Groups were to be raised at a future meeting.
a) Transport Delivery Overview & Scrutiny Committee Work Programme b) WMCA Forward Plan Presented By: Lyndsey Roberts Additional documents: Minutes:
The Transport Delivery Overview & Scrutiny Committee work programme and WMCA Forward Look were noted.
Date of Next Meeting Presented By: Chair Minutes: Monday 26 February 2024 at 1:00pm |