Venue: Room 116, 16 Summer Lane, Birmingham, B19 3SD
Contact: Tanya Patel, Governance Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Presented By: Chair Decision: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Kamran Cann (Coventry), Councillor Suzanne Hartwell (Sandwell), Mark Axcell (Black Country Integrated Care Board), Sean Russell (Universities West Midlands), Lisa Stalley-Green (Birmingham & Solihull Integrated Care Board) and Mike Wade (NHS England). Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Mark Axcell (Black Country Integrated Care Board), Councillor Kamran Caan (Coventry), Councillor Gary Flint (Walsall), Councillor Suzanne Hartwell (Sandwell), Councillor Jasbir Jaspal (Wolverhampton), Jo Pitman (West Midlands Police), Sean Russell (Universities West Midlands), Lisa Stalley-Green (Birmingham & Solihull Integrated Care Board) and Mike Wade (NHS England). |
Inquorate Meeting Minutes: The meeting was inquorate and therefore the recommendations contained within the minutes would be submitted to the next Wellbeing Board on Monday 11 September 2023 for formal approval. |
Notification of Substitutes Minutes: It was noted that Mike Hill was substituting on behalf of Mike Wade (NHS England). |
Chair's Remarks Minutes: The Chair reported that she had attended the launch of the Mental Health Commission report, which had been a worthwhile event. |
Minutes - 6 March 2023 PDF 265 KB Presented By: Chair Decision: The minutes of the meeting held on the 6 March 2023 were agreed as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on the 6 March 2023 were agreed as a correct record. |
Trailblazer Devolution Deal Health Duty Update Presented By: Mubasshir Ajaz Decision: That the update be noted. Minutes: The committee received a presentation from the Head of Health & Communities reporting a decision of the WMCA Board on 9 June 2023 to not progress with consultation on the health duty and to continue to work on Health in All Policies (HiAP) without duty. The committee also received information on potential funding opportunities to support various proposals / initiatives to support wellbeing for the region.
Councillor Tony Dicicco shared his views following the decision not to include health improvement duty in the Trailblazer Devolution Deal, the role, mandate and work programme of Wellbeing Board should focus on the areas where there was a clear mandate and agreement from all constituent authorities, for example Thrive at Work / Thrive into Work. Councillor Karen McCarthy agreed with these views and also highlighted the need to avoid duplication in activity and data, whilst being clear and transparent on the work being taken forward.
Dr Justin Varney highlighted that he recently attended a meeting of the Mayor & Portfolio Leads to present the health improvement duty proposals, and that the objection to take this forward within the devolution deal was based more on potential duplication of responsibilities concerns rather than the principle of the duty. He also noted that more should be done to engage discussions on the Equality Impact Assessment tool within WMCA Board reports.
That the update be noted. |
WMCA and Sport England Partnership PDF 4 MB Presented By: Simon Hall Decision: (1) That the overview of the WMCA and Sport England long-term partnership outlined within the Memorandum of Understanding and attached initial funding be noted.
(2) That regular briefings on the impact and learning from the resultant action plan be provided to the Wellbeing Board.
(3) The comments of the future of sport and physical activity within the WMCA region boosted by the partnership be ntoed. Minutes: The committee received a report from the Strategic Lead for Wellbeing & Prevention updating it on the long-term partnership between the WMCA and Sport England, along with initial funding and associated £2.5m solicited grant submission.
The Chair noted that the opportunities arising from the partnership with Sport England would be positive for the region. Councillor Tony Dicicco was also supportive of the recommendations and principles outlined in the report, and highlighted that the next phases should include continued delivery of such initiatives through local authorities.
Members of the board highlighted the need to ensure that adequate governance arrangements were put in place to support the partnership. The Strategic Lead for Wellbeing & Prevention suggested that an advisory group be established to feed back into Wellbeing Board. The Chair requested that further details on this suggestion be submitted to the next meeting for consideration.
(1) That the overview of the WMCA and Sport England long-term partnership outlined within the Memorandum of Understanding and attached initial funding be noted.
(2) That regular briefings on the impact and learning from the resultant action plan be provided to the Wellbeing Board.
(3) The comments on the future of sport and physical activity within the WMCA region boosted by the partnership be noted.
West Midlands Mental Health Commission Final Report and Next Steps PDF 563 KB Presented By: Mubasshir Ajaz Decision: (1) That the final report following the launch event of the Mental Health Commission be noted.
(2) The comments and views of the next steps and how the Commonwealth Games Legacy Funds Community Grant allocation of £5.5m to support implementation be noted. Minutes: The committee considered a report providing a brief overview of the final report of the Mental Health Commission and the intended next steps, including the proposed implementation projects to be taken forward. The Chair thanked the members of the commission for the work they had undertaken in preparing the report and its recommendations.
Dr Justin Varney highlighted a key statistic relating to evidence around suicide and self-harm in young people, with 65% of 11 - 19 year olds having self-harmed and 26% attempting suicide. Committee members held discussions around the hope and need for the Mental Health Commission to stress the need to young people to be supported, the provision of early intervention, and the provision of support to both schools and parents.
(1) That the final report following the launch event of the Mental Health Commission be noted.
(2) The comments and views of the next steps and how the Commonwealth Games Legacy Funds Community Grant allocation of £5.5m would support implementation be noted.
[NB. Dr Justin Varney declared an interest in this item in respect of his membership of the Mental Health Commission.] |
Wellbeing Board High Level Deliverables Update PDF 636 KB Presented By: Mubasshir Ajaz Additional documents:
Decision: That the progress to date on the 2022/23 high level deliverables be noted. Minutes: The committee considered a report outlining the progress made against the high level deliverables previously agreed by Wellbeing Board in July 2022. Some of the key achievements in 2022/23 related to delivering on Thrive into Work IPS trails, securing £1.6m funding from the Health Foundation to house the WMCA’s Improving Health & Reducing Inequalities programme, as well as running a series of successful workshops with the King’s Fund. The Head of Health & Communities provided an overview of the proposed high level deliverables for 2023/24.
The progress to date on the 2022/23 high level deliverables be noted. |
Date of Next Meeting Presented By: Chair Decision: Monday 11 September 2023 at 10.00am. Minutes: Monday 11 September 2023 at 10.00am. |