Agenda and minutes

Venue: To be held remotely via MS Teams

Contact: Wendy Slater 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

Presented By: Chair


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Kamran Caan, Councillor Stephen Craddock, Andy Hardy, Sue Ibbotson and Pete Wilson.


Nomination of Substitutes


Mark Wade for Sue Ibbotson and Matthew Ling for Pete Wilson.



Minutes - 19 October 2021 pdf icon PDF 139 KB

Presented By: Chair


The minutes of the meeting held on 19 October 2021 were agreed as a correct record, subject to an amendment of Guy Daly’s title from NHS to Universities West Midlands (Coventry).



Chair's Remarks

Presented By: Chair


The Chair thanked Professor Guy Daly and Paul Maubach for their contributions and work in health and social care on the Wellbeing Board as the meeting would be their last due to moving on to other roles.


The Chair welcomed Mark Axcell, The Black Country and West Birmingham Integrated Care System to his first meeting of the Wellbeing Board.   



Revisiting the Health of the Region Report

Presented By: Tatum Mathru/ Mubasshir Ajaz


The board considered a presentation from the Strategic Lead for Thrive & Health Inequalities, on the Health of the Region report first published in November 2020, providing an update on the data obtained and timeline in work uploading on to the data hub.  There were three aspects of the report for the board to consider; The Health of the Region report, the dynamic data hub to run alongside the Health of the Region report and the governance structure.


            Councillor Paulette Hamilton queried the overall governance structure in understanding the purpose of the roundtable and core groups, who the members would be, what would be discussed at these meetings and how that fed-back to the Wellbeing Board.




(1)  The Wellbeing Board receive further clarity on the roundtable and core groups in obtaining a greater understanding on the governance structure in how the two groups fed-back to the board.




Community Green Grants pdf icon PDF 149 KB

Presented By: Jacqueline Holman


The board received a presentation from the Community Green Grants Project Officer, who gave a presentation to update the Wellbeing Board on the Community Green Grants programme being led by the WMCA Environment Team.  The grants aim would be to reduce green deprivation, tackle barriers in access to green spaces, connect communities with nature and enhance biodiversity, due to recognising that green spaces had made a positive impact to people’s lives, particularly during the start of the pandemic and lockdowns.


Councillor Karen Grinsell enquired as to the ease of the application form for completion, whether the grants were limited to only constituted groups rather than un-constituted groups who may not have a bank account to apply, as well as whether the grants would be available and to connect in with primary care networks who may be located close to a green space to be developed.  Ruth Burgess concluded that un-constituted groups linking in with constituted groups would be able to apply and the application process was relatively short, with a wealth of support available for completion of the form, as well as an upcoming webinar and numerous workshops planned.




(1)  The Community Green Grants and the timeframe for implementation be noted.


(2)  The synergies with work in wellbeing that could support the Community Green Grants, in terms of outcomes and process be noted.


WMCA Health in All Policies (HiAP) Approach pdf icon PDF 647 KB

Presented By: Stacey Gunther/Simon Hall/David Harris


The board received a presentation from the Public Health Programme Manager, on building upon the WMCA’s plan and approach to take forward the agreed wellbeing priorities across areas of responsibilities, including transport, housing, skills, energy and the environment to recognise the link between health and wealth, region productivity, economic growth and health and wellbeing in tandem.  The report built upon the WMCA’s mandate for health inequalities in the Health of the Region report and the direction agreed at the October Wellbeing Board meeting.


The board discussed the importance of transport infrastructure within the HiAP Approach in accessibility and safety, particularly for cycle routes, as well as recognising general cultural shifts and encouraging behavioural changes in adopting safer and healthier travel options to drive and deliver change between health and transport.   




(1)  The proposed WMCA Health in All Policies (HiAP) model to act on health inequalities through its devolved responsibilities across the wider determinants of health be approved.


(2)  The support and guidance to refine the model and actions taken which would ensure the greatest impact be noted.




Wellbeing Programmes Update pdf icon PDF 169 KB

a) Wellbeing Annual Performance and Forward Planning

b) Convening a new Mental Health Commission Update

c) Individual Placement Support Thrive into Work

Presented By: Mubasshir Ajaz/Jed Francique/ Anita Hallbrook

Additional documents:


a) Wellbeing Annual Performance and Forward Planning

            The board received a verbal update from the Head of Wellbeing and Prevention, on the progress to date against the 2021/22 deliverables.




(1) The progress against the 2021/22 High Level Deliverables to date be noted.


(2)  Those areas which the board wished to receive a more detailed report on progress and activity be noted.

            b) Conveying a new Mental Health Commission Update

            The board received a verbal update from the Mental Health Prevention Strategic Lead, on the progress in convening a new Mental Health Commission to support an aspirational strategy for a mentally and healthier region.


            The focus of the Mental Health Commission’s work would be aimed at the implications of children and young people, woman and girls, male mental health and suicidal rates, as well as racial differentials. 


            The Chair queried about the impact of mental health in sexual choice as not being noted as part of the Commission’s work.  The Mental Health Prevention Strategic Lead agreed and said although the Commission would choose its focus of work, sexual choice and orientation warranted further consideration due to a contributing factor in mental health issues.  




(1)  The updated plans in respect of convening a new Mental Health Commission, as set out in the paper be endorsed.

            c) Individual Placement Support Thrive into Work

            The board received a verbal update from the Strategy and Delivery Lead, on an update on the work that was taking place, future funding intentions of government and outline of the proposed governance arrangements of the Thrive into Work Individual Placement Support (IPS).


            It was noted by the Board that the IPS positively impacted and changed lives of people.   




(1) The progress of the IPS Programme be noted.


(2) The IPS programme funding position be noted.


(3) The proposed governance arrangements for the IPS Programme be noted.



Forward Plan - items for next meeting on 8 March

Presented By: Chair


The Chair noted the forward plan had not been received in advance of the meeting.