Venue: This meeting is being held entirely held by video conference facilities
Contact: Wendy Slater
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Presented By: Chair Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Caan, Councillor Jaspal, Andy Hardy, Paul Jennings and Alison Tonge. |
Nomination of Substitutes Minutes: The following substitutes had been received :
Peter Ingham for Paul Jennings and Rebecca Farmer for Alison Tonge. |
Chair's Remarks (to include intro to new Head of Wellbeing & Prevention ) Presented By: Chair Minutes: The Chair welcomed the new Head of Wellbeing and Prevention, Mubasshir Ajaz, to his first meeting of the Wellbeing Board.
Mubasshir Ajaz outlined his background prior to joining the WMCA and reported that he wanted to focus on tackling health inequalities in the region. Mubasshir Ajaz also acknowledged the work undertaken by Sean Russell to date which was echoed by the Chair who conveyed her thanks and appreciation to Sean Russell on behalf of the board. |
Minutes of the last meeting PDF 149 KB Presented By: Chair Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 17 July 2020 were agreed as a true record. |
Single Assurance Framework - Impact on thematic board terms of reference PDF 182 KB Presented By: Jodie Townsend Minutes: Jodie Townsend, Governance Consultant, presented a report on the Single Assurance Framework that was agreed by the WMCA Board on 24 July 2020.
The report set out the purpose of the Single Assurance Framework, the proposed core roles and implications for thematic boards and portfolio improvements.
Jodie Townsend reported that standardised terms of reference had been developed for thematic boards to support core roles and to ensure a consistent approach is delivered across the WMCA for each portfolio area.
The approach set out in the report was endorsed and it was agreed that the current non-voting members of the board should continue to be members as the organisations they represented all played a key role in delivering/ supporting the health and wellbeing agenda in the region.
Resolved :
1. That the Single Assurance Framework requirements for thematic boards be noted;
2. That the proposed portfolio improvements for the Wellbeing Board be noted and
3. That the amended terms of reference for the board as set out in Appendix A of the report be endorsed.
Regional Health Impacts of Covid-19 Discussion Paper PDF 156 KB Presented By: Lina Martino/Mubasshir Ajaz Minutes: The Director of Inclusive Growth and Public Service Reform, Ed Cox and Lina Martino, PHE/WMCA Consultant in Public Health, presented a discussion paper along with a slide presentation that set out the emerging findings from the impact of Covid-19 from the Regional Health Impact of Covid-19 (RHIC) Task and Finish Group. This included the underlying health inequalities in the region, key West Midlands insights, opportunities for change and the framework for commitments to action to unlock change for the region.
The Director of Inclusive Growth and Public Service Reform conveyed his thanks to colleagues and stakeholders who had supplied evidence to the task and finish group and asked for any comments on the commitments to action to be provided by the 21 October deadline. He advised that the WMCA would work with partners on agreeing the recommendations to Government.
It was noted that the findings, conclusions and recommendations from RHIC would form the basis of the Health of the Region report (set out in the report) that would be submitted to the WMCA Board in November prior to the recommendations being submitted to Government.
The Director of Inclusive Growth and Public Service Reform reported that he would send a letter to all to reinforce the commitments made by various partners in the region.
The Chair reported that it was important communities had confidence that change would happen in the region and acknowledged the dependency between health and wealth and the need to provide residents of the West Midlands with the best possible jobs, housing and skills.
1. That the outline of the Health of the Region Report as set out be noted;
2. That the WMCA gain Commitments to Action from local and regional partners be supported and
3. That the potential recommendations to Government as discussed be taken forward.
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Preparedness Presented By: Alison Tonge Minutes: Rebecca Farmer, NHSE, outlined the steps being taken by the NHS to prepare for the second wave of Covid-19.
In relation to an enquiry from the Vice- Chair, Councillor Hamilton regarding the Nightingale Hospital in the region and how often an assessment is made as to whether the facility should be utilised, Rebecca Farmer reported that an assessment is made on a weekly basis however, this would be reviewed more frequently if there was a surge in Covid cases.
Resolved: That the update be noted. |
Thrive Update Presented By: Sean Russell Minutes: The Director of Implementation for Mental Health, Wellbeing and Radical Prevention, Sean Russell provided an update on the various Thrive programmes.
It was noted that 540 people had successfully found jobs from the Thrive into Work programme and over 400 businesses have joined the Thrive at Work programme at foundation level.
Sean Russell reported that 40,000 people had now been trained in mental health first and that the Thrive programmes would take on board the learning from the Covid-19 RHIC Task and Finish Group with regards to mental health.
Sean Russell advised that the Thrive Awards that are usually held during January, might be held virtually next year and further details would follow in due course.
The Chair congratulated Sean Russell and the team for their work on mental health.
Resolved: That the update be noted.
Physical Activity Strategy & Physical Activity Commissioner Proposal PDF 153 KB Presented By: Simon Hall Additional documents: Minutes: The board considered a report of the Physical Activity Strategy Strategic Lead, Simon Hall that outlined the proposed future direction of the WMCA’s West Midlands on the Move Strategic Framework and set out ‘Halting the Gap’, Physical Activity Implementation Plan 2020/21 for approval.
The report set out the background to the Physical Activity Implementation Plan which included the impact of lockdown and the Birmingham Commonwealth Games.
Simon Hall outlined the report and 2 physical activity funding asks, notably a Physical Activity Fund; to focus on the co-design of community activities and to support the Commonwealth Games physical activity legacy and, social and walking prescribing and cycling region ; a pilot that would look at the impact of different incentives to encourage more BAME and vulnerable communities to take walking and cycling to improve their physical and mental health.
The board endorsed the report.
Resolved : That the ‘Halting the Gap’, Physical Activity Implementation Plan 2020/21 as set out in the report be approved. |
Forward Plan Presented By: Chair Minutes: The Director of Inclusive Growth and Public Service Reform, Ed Cox reported that updates on Covid-19 RHIC and Thrive would be presented to the next meeting.
Date of Next Meeting - 22 January 2021 |