Venue: Room 109, West Midlands Combined Authority, 16 Summer Lane, Birmingham, B19 3SD
Contact: Wendy Slater, Senior Governance Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Presented By: Chair Decision: Noted. |
Minutes - 9 December 2024 Presented By: Chair Decision: Agreed. |
Investment Programme Update Presented By: Ian Martin Additional documents:
Decision: 1. Approval under delegated authority by WMCA Officers of the business case submission disclosed at Section 4 of the report be noted; 2. The WMCA Investment Programme funding status and current affordable limit as outlined at Section 4 of the report be noted and 3. The Regional Investment Programme delivery detailed within the report and appendices (including the project-level summary within the WMCA Investment Programme dashboard at Appendix 2) be noted. |
Commercial Investment Fund Dashboard Presented By: Nick Oakley Decision: Noted. |
Brownfield Land & Property Development Fund Presented By: Nick Oakley Decision: Noted. |
Residential Investment Fund Dashboard Presented By: Nick Oakley Decision: Noted. |
Exclusion of the Public and Press [In accordance with s100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business as they are likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as specified in the paragraphs of the Act.] Presented By: Chair Decision: Resolved:
In accordance with s100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business as they are likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as specified in the paragraphs of the Act. |
Ultra -Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) Black Country Presented By: Sandeep Shingadia/Luke Hadlow Decision: Resolved that:
1. The full business case for the Ultra-low Emission Vehicle Black Country for the sum specified in the report, of CRSTS funding for delivery of the project be approved and 2. Authority be delegated to the WMCA Section 73 Officer to agree suitable terms and conditions to apply to the grant award as set out in the report be agreed.
Henry Boot Developments Ltd, Neighbourhood,Birmingham Presented By: Gerald Gannaway Decision: Resolved that:
1. The powers and the ability of the WMCA to make the proposed grant be noted; 2. The comments made by Investment Panel when this proposal was presented be noted; 3. Grant investment from the Brownfield Infrastructure and Land Fund (‘BILF) or such other fund that is ultimately considered most appropriate, for the sum specified in the report, to HBD Summerhill Limited (‘the applicant) be approved and 4. The negotiation and approval of the final terms of the grant (and appropriate fund) be delegated to the Director of Commercial and Investment (acting in his capacity as interim Director of Housing, Property and Regeneration) in accordance with the terms and the project case set out in the report be agreed. |
Commercial Investment Fund Dashboard Presented By: Nick Oakley Decision: Noted. |
Brownfield Land & Property Development Fund Dashboard Presented By: Nick Oakley Decision: Noted. |
Residential Investment Fund Dashboard Presented By: Nick Oakley Decision: Noted. |
Black Country Land & Property Investment Fund Dashboard Presented By: Kelly Valente Decision: Noted. |
Housing, Property and Regeneration - Development & Delivery Dashboards Presented By: Ian Martin/Saran Sankhagiri Decision: Noted. |
10 February - 10.00AM Presented By: Chair |