Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Venue: Room 116, 16 Summer Lane, Birmingham B19 3SD

Contact: Tanya Patel, Governance Services Officer 

No. Item


Appointment of Chair

To note that at its meeting on 10 June 2022, the WMCA Board appointed Councillor Richard Worrall to chair the committee for 2022/23.

Presented By: Chair


Noted that Councillor Richard Worrall to chair Transport Delivery Committee for 2022/23.


It was reported that at the WMCA Board on 10 June 2022 Councillor Richard Worrall had been appointed as the Chair of this committee for the municipal year.




Councillor Richard Worrall’s appointment as Chair of the Transport Delivery Committee for 2022/23 be noted.


Welcome from the Mayor

The Mayor will attend the start of the meeting to welcome members of the committee, who will also have the opportunity to introduce themselves.

Presented By: Andy Street


The Mayor attended the meeting to welcome new and returning members of the committee for 2022/23. He stressed the important role members of the committee undertook, noting the importance that public transport played in the lives of residents in the West Midlands, both in the lead up to the forthcoming Commonwealth Games and in enabling them to access employment and leisure opportunities. He also noted the key role public transport would play in the region achieving its net zero goals by 2041, along with the likely impact that technological innovation would play in driving modal shift onto public transport.


Appointment of Vice-Chairs

To appoint the Vice-Chairs of the committee for 2022/23.

Presented By: Chair


That Councillor Timothy Huxtable and Councillor Mary Locke be appointed as Vice-Chairs of the committee.




That Councillor Timothy Huxtable and Councillor Mary Locke be appointed Vice-Chairs of this committee for the 2022/23 municipal year.


Apologies for Absence

Presented By: Chair


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Linda Bigham (Coventry City Council).


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Linda Bigham (Coventry).


Chair's Remarks

Presented By: Chair


(a)      Councillor Kath Hartley

The Chair placed on record his thanks to Councillor Kath Hartley, the previous Chair of the committee, for her many years’ service to public transport across the region. Members of the committee endorsed these sentiments.


(b)      Role of the Transport Delivery Committee

The Chair noted that the role of this committee was not to determine transport policy, which remained the responsibility of the WMCA Board, but to oversee the delivery of those policies, including by championing the passenger experience. He also requested that members avoid raising local ‘ward issues’ at the meeting, and instead use a dedicated Transport for West Midlands email address where these issued could be logged and addressed more effectively.


Minutes - 14 March 2022 pdf icon PDF 355 KB

Presented By: Chair


That the minutes dates the 14 March 2022 be approved.


The minutes of the meeting held on the 14 March 2022 were agreed as a correct record.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 307 KB

Presented By: Chair


That the items to be reported to future meetings be noted.


The forward plan of items to be reported to future meetings of the committee was noted. The Director of Integrated Transport Services confirmed that an update report on Park & Ride facilities would be added to the agenda for the next meeting of the committee in September.


Update on Review of Transport Governance

Presented By: Dan Essex


That the update be noted.


The Governance Services Manager provided an update on the review of transport governance that was currently being undertaken by the WMCA. A review of wider governance across the WMCA was undertaken in 2021 which had identified that a more focused review of transport governance should be undertaken. The purpose of this review was identified as being to improve, rationalise and simplify transport governance to improve decision making.


This review was currently gathering evidence, including by meeting with the Mayor, Portfolio Lead for Transport, the Chair of this committee and the Chair of the Transport Scrutiny Sub-Committee. Recommendations arising out of the review were expected in the Autumn.




That the update be noted.


Financial Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 340 KB

Presented By: Kate Taylor


(1)  The year to date position as at the end of May 2022 against the TfWM Revenue Budget shows an overall favourable variance of£0.376m, as detailed in Section A be noted.


(2)  The TfWM Capital Programme expenditure as at the end of May 2022 totals £39.7m, which is £7m below budget, as detailed in Section B be noted.


The committee considered a report from the Head of Finance Business Planning & Strategic Planning setting out the financial position as at 31 May 2022 relating to the WMCA’s transport delivery revenue and capital budgets.


The year to date position on the transport revenue budget showed an overall favourable variance of £376,000 against budget. The most notable variance at this early stage of the year related to concessions where there were lower than budgeted patronage and fare levels. These savings had been partly offset by lower than budgeted drawdown of reserves to support the overall budget as they had not yet been required. Capital programme expenditure totalled £39.7m, which was £7m below the May year to date budget of £46.8m, with the variance primarily contained within the Investment Programme portfolio.


In respect of the £100,000 Minor Works Programme budget for ‘Top Slice’, the Head of Finance Business Planning & Strategic Planning undertook to provide further information from the Strategic Transport Officers Group on what this money would be spent on in 2022/23. She also confirmed that the ‘Social Housing Decarbonisation’, ‘Sustainable Warmth Competition’ and ‘Net Zero Neighbourhood - Capital’ were not Transport for West Midlands projects and so should not fall within the monitoring responsibilities of this committee.


The Director of Strategic Partnerships & Delivery Integration confirmed that there was an increased risk associated with inflation pressures within the construction sector. Mitigation was sought where this occurred to ensure that Transport for West Midlands continued to get best value from its capital projects. 




(1)      The year to date position as at the end of May 2022 against the Transport for West Midlands revenue budget, showing an overall favourable variance of £376,000, be noted.


(2)      The Transport for West Midlands capital programme expenditure as at the end of May 2022, totalling £39.7m which was £7m below budget, be noted.


Capital Programme Delivery Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Presented By: Sandeep Shingadia


(1)  Achievements since the March meeting of the Transport Delivery Committee be noted.


(2)  The progress of deliverables and outturn of the 2022/23 Capital Programme be noted.


(3)  Where indicated, any variations from the baseline programme be noted.


The committee considered a report from the Director of Strategic Partnerships & Delivery Integration, Transport for West Midlands, on a progress monitoring update on the approved Transport for West Midlands-led 2022/23 programmes and projects.


The report identified those elements of the capital programme that had been completed during March - July, including the Perry Barr rail station and bus interchange, the University rail station and the West Midlands cycle hire scheme. There had also been a variation to the baseline programme in respect of Dudley Interchange, where a completion date of September 2024 had now been set due to compulsory purchase order delays and the uncertainty around construction costs. It was anticipated that construction would start in September 2023 for a 12 month build period.


Councillor Timothy Huxtable expressed his concern that the bus shelters would be installed at the Perry Barr rail station and bus interchange in the week preceding the start of the Commonwealth Games. He also noted the commitment made by the West Midlands Police & Crime Commissioner to significantly increase the number of average speed enforcement cameras in operation, and asked the impact this was likely to make to making the Key Route Network safer. The Director of Strategic Partnerships & Network Integration confirmed that he was working closely with Birmingham City Council to ensure the bus shelters were installed ahead of the Commonwealth Games. He also undertook to provide a more detailed response in respect of the use of average speed enforcement cameras on the Key Route Network.


In respect of a number of questions raised around the financial pressures impacting on the Dudley Interchange scheme, the Director of Strategic Partnerships & Network Integration undertook to provide a detailed briefing note on the issues relating to this.




(1)      The achievements since the March meeting of the Transport Delivery Committee be noted.


(2)      The progress of deliverables and outturn of the 2022/23 capital programme be noted.


(3)      The variations from the baseline programme be noted.


Sprint Monitoring Delivery Report pdf icon PDF 476 KB

Presented By: Angela Hosford


(1)  The progress of the Sprint Phase 1 delivery be noted.


(2)  That Phase 2 funding secured and works underway to progress scheme be noted.


(3)  The relationship between Sprint and other local schemes be noted.


The committee considered a report from the Head of Sprint Development, Transport for West Midlands, on the completion of Phase 1 work for the A34 and A45 Sprint routes, an update on the A456/Hagley Road advanced works being delivered by the Midland Metro Alliance, and on the progress being made on the zero emission challenge and the role Sprint was playing in this.


Phase 1 works for the A34 and A45 routes had now been completed, on time and to budget. These works had finished in time for the Commonwealth Games embargo and would ensure that the games transport could benefit from the infrastructure. In respect of the A456/Hagley Road route, work was now underway to appoint a designer and to understand construction cost for the scheme at updated market prices. The next stage would be preliminary design work, informed by building knowledge and the collection of survey data to underpin that design.


Transport for West Midlands’ role in the current deregulated bus market was to encourage the move to zero emission bus operation, and it was working to support operators in their ambitions, whilst at the same time using the Enhanced Partnership agreement with bus operators to require the introduction of non-diesel buses on the corridor line with wider WMCA aspirations.


Councillor Timothy Huxtable sought further information as to when it was expected that zero emission vehicles would be operating on the Sprint corridors. The Head of Sprint Development reported that it was expected that articulated vehicles would be used for Sprint services, and it was planned for infrastructures works on the route to be completed in early 2025 that would permit these vehicles to be used. She also undertook to provide members of the committee with a map showing the planned Sprint route network.




(1)      The progress of the Sprint phase 1 delivery be noted.


(2)      The Phase 2 funding that had been secured and works that were underway to progress the scheme be noted.


(3)      The relationship between Sprint and other local schemes be noted.


Transport Services Recovery Update

Presented By: Pete Bond


That the update be noted.


The committee received an update from the Director of Integrated Transport Services, Transport for West Midlands, on the impact and recovery across the transport network from COVID-19. This included the extent to which patronage across transport modes was returning to previous levels and where the bus network was seeing a slower recover in passenger numbers on Mondays - Fridays but a stronger recovery across weekend services. He also confirmed that Transport for West Midlands was looking to work with the Department for Transport on marketing campaigns that would be targeted at encouraging the public to return to public transport.


In response to a question from Councillor Robert Grinsell, the Head of Bus confirmed that Transport for West Midlands did consult with local ward councillors when there were proposals that would impact local bus services.




That the update be noted.


Member Engagement Groups Update pdf icon PDF 324 KB

Presented By: Chair


(1)  The following appointments to Lead Member roles for 2022/23 be approved:


Air Quality, Congestion and Environmental Impact – Councillor Linda Bigham

Finance and Performance – Councillor Pervez Akhtar

Putting Passengers First – Councillor Mary Locke

Rail and Metro – Councillor Timothy Huxtable

Safe and Sustainable Travel – Councillor Robert Grinsell

Sprint – Councillor Richard Worrall


(2)  The following appointments to the Member Engagement Groups be approved.


Air Quality, Congestion and Environmental Impact – Councillor Linda Bigham, Councillor Robert Alden, Councillor Zaker Choudhry and Councillor Carol Hyatt.


Finance and Performance – Councillor Pervez Akhtar and Councillor Anne Millward.


Putting Passengers First – Councillor Mary Locke, Councillor David Stanley, Councillor Bill Gavan, Councillor Narinder Kaur Kooner, Councillor Shabrana Hussain, Councillor Carol Hyatt and Councillor Clare Simm.


Rail and Metro – Councillor Timothy Huxtable, Councillor David Stanley, Councillor Bill Gavan, Councillor Julie Webb and Councillor Clare Simm.


Safe and Sustainable Travel – Councillor Robert Grinsell and Councillor Julie Webb.


Sprint – Councillor Richard Worrall, Councillor Gurmeet Singh Sohal, Councillor Josh O’Nyons and Councillor Saddak Miah.


(3)  The recent activities of the committee’s Member Engagement Groups be noted.




The committee considered a report of the Governance Services Officer on recent developments and meetings of the six Member Engagement Groups. The report provided further details on recent meetings of the Rail & Metro MEG and the Air Quality, Congestion & Environmental Impact MEG.




(1)      The following appointments to Lead Member roles for 2022/23 be approved:


Air Quality, Congestion & Environmental Impact - Councillor Linda Bigham

Finance & Performance - Councillor Pervez Akhtar

Putting Passengers First - Councillor Mary Locke

Rail & Metro - Councillor Timothy Huxtable

Safe & Sustainable Travel - Councillor Robert Grinsell

Sprint - Councillor Richard Worrall


(2)      The following appointments to the Member Engagement Groups for 2022/23 be approved:


Air Quality, Congestion & Environmental Impact - Councillor Robert Alden, Councillor Linda Bigham, Councillor Zaker Choudhry and Councillor Carol Hyatt.


Finance & Performance - Councillor Pervez Akhtar and Councillor Anne Millward.


Putting Passengers First - Councillor Bill Gavan, Councillor Shabrana Hussain, Councillor Carol Hyatt, Councillor Narinder Kaur Kooner, Councillor Mary Locke, Councillor Clare Simm and Councillor David Stanley.


Rail & Metro - Councillor Bill Gavan, Councillor Timothy Huxtable, Councillor Clare Simm, Councillor David Stanley and Councillor Julie Webb.


Safe & Sustainable Travel - Councillor Robert Grinsell and Councillor Julie Webb.


Sprint - Councillor Josh O’Nyons, Councillor Saddak Miah, Councillor Gurmeet Singh Sohal and Councillor Richard Worrall.


(3)      The recent activities of the committee’s Member Engagement Groups be noted.




WMCA Board Transport Reports

Presented By: Chair


That the Metro Affordability report to be shared with members of the committee once issued to WMCA Board members.


The committee noted that the WMCA Board was due to consider a report on Metro Affordability at its meeting on 15 July. The report would be shared with members of this committee once it had been published, and members were to feed any comments they had on the report back to the Chair.


Date of Next Meeting

Presented By: Chair


Monday 12 September 2022 at 1.00pm