Issue - meetings

Meeting: 17/11/2023 - WMCA Board (Item 11.)

11. WMCA Homelessness Taskforce: Update and Key Priorities pdf icon PDF 616 KB

Presented By: Councillor Kerrie Carmichael


(1)     It was noted that the homelessness being experienced by vulnerable citizens across the WMCA region was actively inhibiting the ability to create a more prosperous, fairer and INclusive region for all, and that the Homelessness Taskforce had been one of the means by which the WMCA and its partners had collaborated to address this.


(2)     The means by which the WMCA and its partners could align efforts to accelerate progress towards the joint aim of designing out homelessness in all its manifestations, including by continuing to embed homelessness prevention into the mainstream strategies, processes, and programmes of the WMCA through cross-directorate activity and endorsing the Taskforce’s adoption of a broader focus on all forms of homelessness was noted.


(3)     The Homelessness Taskforce’s identified priorities for 2023/24 and beyond, including specific actions to commission a suitably experienced and qualified organisation to help investigate and articulate an evidenced-based economic case, and to consider how to jointly lobby Government to improve the current Local Housing Allowance model, was endorsed.