177 Q3 Performance Reporting Against the Annual Business Plan PDF 138 KB
Presented By: Jaspal Seehra
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The committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Finance & Business Hub that set out the context to the monitoring and reporting of the Annual Business Plan and provided year-to-date performance, including trends and comparisons.
In September 2023, it was agreed that performance against the Annual Business Plan would be shared twice a year with Overview & Scrutiny Committee, to provide members with assurance of Executive Board responses, particularly to the red and amber indicators.
In response to a question raised by Councillor Jamie Tennant, the Executive Director of Finance & Business Hub explained that the red indicators related to transport were reviewed by the Transport Delivery Overview & Scrutiny Committee through regular capital programme monitoring reports considered by the committee.
Following a review of the report, members considered that HDL 72 (One Public Estate and Place Pilots Programme) and HDL 114 (Investment and Modernisation of 16 Summer Lane – 10 Year Property Maintenance Plan), should form part of its work programme for 2024/25.
(1) The approach on how the WMCA monitored the Annual Business Plan and the assurance it provided be endorsed; and
(2) The areas identified in relation to One Public Estate and the Investment and Modernisation of 16 Summer Lane be included in the committees work programme for 2024/25.